ETA Denizcilik Bilimi Dergisi

JEMS Maritime Sci: 9 (1)
Volume: 9  Issue: 1 - 2021
Show Abstracts | << Back
1.A Brief Critique of the Year 2020 for the Maritime Industry
Selçuk Nas
doi: 10.4274/jems.2021.26566  Pages 1 - 2
Abstract | Full Text PDF

2.Journal of ETA Maritime Science (Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 2021).

Pages 1 - 63
Abstract | Full Text PDF

3.Digitalization in Container Shipping Services: Critical Resources for Competitive Advantage
Gökçay Balcı
doi: 10.4274/jems.2021.47364  Pages 3 - 12

4.Model Proposal for Future Estimates in Maritime Industry: The Case of Container Handling in Turkish Ports
Ünal Özdemir
doi: 10.4274/jems.2021.91259  Pages 13 - 21

5.Analysis of Strategies to Reduce Air Pollution from Vessels: A Case for the Strait of Istanbul
Umur Bucak, Tolga Arslan, Hakan Demirel, Abit Balın
doi: 10.4274/jems.2021.19327  Pages 22 - 30

6.Assessment of Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Condition Differences in the Scope of the Polar Code
Meriç Karahalil, Burcu Özsoy
doi: 10.4274/jems.2021.32448  Pages 31 - 40

7.How Ports Can Improve Their Sustainability Performance: Triple Bottom Line Approach
Nergis Özispa
doi: 10.4274/jems.2021.53765  Pages 41 - 50

8.Analysis of Draught Survey Errors by Extended Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
Refik Canımoğlu, Umut Yıldırım, Gani Mustafa İnegöl
doi: 10.4274/jems.2021.64872  Pages 51 - 63