Tarih: 23.03.2013
Saat: 10:30 - 12:00
Salon: Salon 7
Oturum Başkanları
Özgür Aslan (TR)
Ercan Eren (TR)
OP-371:OP-378  Tüm Bildirilerpowered by AbstractAgent.Com
OP-371Low-Dose Amiodarone Prophylaxis for Prevention of Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation: A Prospective, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Study
Mahmood Reza Sarzaeem, Saleh Sandoughdaran
Cardiac Surgery and Transplantation Research Center (CTRC), Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
OP-372Developmental basis for an optimal ablation strategy for atrial fibrillation
Hisham M F Sherif
Cardiac Surgery, Christiana Hospital, Newark, DE, USA
OP-373Efficacy and Safety of Pulmonary Vein Isolation with The Single Big Cryoballoon Technique in Paroxysmal and Persistant Atrial Fibrillation Treatment: A Single Centre Experience
Ali Oto, Kudret Aytemir, Uğur Canpolat, Ergün Barış Kaya, Levent Şahiner, Hikmet Yorgun, Hamza Sunman, Muhammed Dural, Lale Tokgözoğlu, Giray Kabakçı
Department of Cardiology, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
OP-374Successful Cryoballoon Ablation of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Ensures Left Atrial Structural and Electrical Reverse Remodelling
Hikmet Yorgun1, Uğur Canpolat1, Hamza Sunman2, Muhammed Dural1, Kadri Murat Gürses1, Muhammed Ulvi Yalçın1, Levent Şahiner1, Ergün Barış Kaya1, Lale Tokgözoğlu1, Giray Kabakçı1, Kudret Aytemir1, Ali Oto1
1Department of Cardiology, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
2Cardiology Clinic, Ministry of Health Dişkapi Yildirim Beyazit Research and Educational Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
OP-375Evaluation of relationship between endothelial functions and intra-interatrial conduction properties in patients with lone paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
Ayşegül Ülgen1, Tolga Kunak2, Edis Demiri3, Ali Taher3, Uğur Canpolat3, Hamza Sunman3, Naresh Maharjan3, Kenan Muhtarov3, Levent Şahiner3, Ergün Barış Kaya3, Kudret Aytemir3, Ali Oto3
1Kayseri Education and Research Hospital, Kayseri, Turkey
2Hatice-Muammer Kocatürk State Hospital, Kayseri, Turkey
3Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
OP-376LA Flutter as a Complication of the MAZE Procedure Using Cryoablation for Treatment of Paroxysmal and Permanent AF in Patients Undergoing Concomitant Cardiac Surgery
Samir Redzepagic, Alex Rosalion
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, St Vincents Hospital Melbourne, Australia
OP-377The Role of Atrial Fibrosis in Atrial Fibrillation Development and Effect on The Success of Pulmonary Vein Isolation
Uğur Canpolat1, Ali Oto1, Tuncay Hazırolan2, Hamza Sunman1, Ergün Barış Kaya1, Hikmet Yorgun1, Levent Şahiner1, Ulvi Yalçın1, Ayşegül Ülgen3, Lale Tokgözoğlu1, Giray Kabakçı1, Kudret Aytemir1
1Department of Cardiology, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
2Department of Radiology, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
3Cardiology Clinics, Kayseri Education and Training Hospital, Kayseri, Turkey
OP-378The Correlation between LA thrombus and calculated LAA volume with 3D TEE in patients with non valvular atrial fibrillation
Zafer Işılak, Ömer Uz, Murat Yalçın, Mehmet Doğan, Ejder Kardeşoğlu, Mehmet Uzun
Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Haydarpasa Training Hospital, Department Of Cardiology, Istanbul/Turkey